Middle School Activities Today.. Part 2 ..(11/25)...
Girls Basketball v. Chillicothe (away)
B followed by A - 5:00
Go Bulldogs!!
Middle School Activities Today (11/25)...
Boys Basketball v. Chillicothe (HOME)
B followed by A - 5:00
Go Bulldogs!!
Middle School Activities Today (11/21)...
G/B Basketball at Princeton Tournament - 4:30
Wrestling at Brookfield MS Quad - 5:30
Go Bulldogs!!
Find the dancing turkeys this week at TMS! Winners receive a free ice cream at lunch.
Middle School Activities Today (11/19)...
Girls & Boys Basketball at Princeton MS Tournament (6:30/7:30)
Go Bulldogs!!
Had the opportunity to judge the ramen noodle cook off in FACS class! Congrats to the winning team on the deli soups jalapeño Cheddar Ramen! #TMSPride
Handball today in 8th grade PE. Big time teamwork and strategy!
Middle School Activities Today (11/18)...
G/B Basketball v. S. Harrison (away)
4 Games - 4:30 Start
Wrestling at Chillicothe MS Quad - 5:00
Go Bulldogs!!
TMS student Caleb Campbell explaining how to calculate the age of a rock using radio metric dating in 7th grade Science. #TMSPride
Middle School Activities Today (11/15)...
Girls & Boys Basketball v. Princeton - 4:30
(4 games -BG/BB/AG/AB)
Go Bulldogs!
TMS Wrestling at Gallatin will be a 6:00 start tonight. It will be held in their HS Gym. Bus will leave at 4:30 instead of the original 4:00 that was scheduled.
Middle School Activities Today (11/12)...
🤼♂️ First MS Wrestling Match!!
TMS v. Marceline (away) - 5:30
Middle School Activities Today (11/11)...
🏀 Opening Day of MS Basketball!!
TMS Girls & Boys v. Milan (HOME) - 4:30
TMS STUCO Vice-President Sophia Currie gives a history of Veterans Day during the Veterans Day Assembly! #TMSPride
Reminder that tomorrow we will have a Veterans Day Assembly at 8:30 AM in the high school gym. All students are encouraged to invite their friends and family members who are veterans to attend the assembly. Veterans are asked to check in at the High School office. Students may sit with their veteran guests during the assembly. At the conclusion of the assembly, students will escort their veteran guests to the library for refreshments. All other students will return to class after the assembly. We will run a late-start schedule.
5th and 6th grade STUCO Dance will conclude at 9:00. Parents will need to park in the front parking lot and walk up to get their child.
On Monday, November 11th we will have a Veterans Day Assembly at 8:30 AM in the high school gym. All students are encouraged to invite their friends and family members who are veterans to attend the assembly. Veterans are asked to check in at the High School office.
Students may sit with their veteran guests during the assembly. At the conclusion of the assembly, students will escort their veteran guests to the library for refreshments. All other students will return to class after the assembly. We will run a late-start schedule.
7th and 8th grade students learning to line dance during homeroom in preparation for barnwarming! #TMSPride
Students in 8th grade enrichment using potentiometers in a circuit. #TMSPride
Mastering the “layup” in 6th grade PE! #TMSPride