Bus Enrollment is not available online. Log into your PowerSchool Account and click "Forms" on the left hand side. At the top click "enrollment" and scroll down to "transportation request form". Thank you for your patience with us during our transition to PowerSchool.
over 1 year ago, Daniel Gott
Attention Bulldog fans! You can now find all 7-12 sports schedules through RSchool Today at the following website: https://www.grandriverconferencemo.org/public/genie/1157/school/102/date/2023-08-18/view/week/ There is also an RSchool app where you can see all schedules and sign up to receive notifications for any schedule changes. All schedules are still being finalized so changes may occur.
over 1 year ago, John Cowling
TMS Open House, 5th grade Wednesday, 8-16-23- 4:00-5:30. 6,7,8 grade Thursday, 8-17-23- 4:00-5:30. Come and meet the new and returning staff. Bring school supplies and get your locker info. See you then!!
over 1 year ago, Mike Hostetter
TMS spirit apparel. Support our middle school cheerleaders as they raise funds through selling spirit shirts. Order by September 1st. Make checks payable to TMS. Forms will be available during both TMS back to school nights and will be sent home with athletes/students.”
over 1 year ago, Mike Hostetter
TMS Parents, Included is a link to the "Parent Letter" as we start the 2023-2024 school year. Thank you, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uPS043aOnJujWKCOLCgILVzjBZktpZcD/view?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Mike Hostetter
Trenton R-IX Enrollment Students who have previously enrolled in the District (click link or copy paste in browser): https://trenton.powerschool.com/public/home.html Instructions (click link or copy/paste in browser): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G8HelJYiMflICKoip8ReGwX8zBPo_W25/view?usp=sharing **You must create an account on a web browser and not the app **Access ID: the number that was sent via text/email **Access Password: bulldogs **District Code for PowerSchool APP: QSMH **If you did not receive a code via text or email please contact your student's school office or the District Office.
over 1 year ago, Daniel Gott
TMS fall sports begin practice on Monday, August 14. Students must have a current physical on file in order to practice. Practice times are listed below: Volleyball: 3:30-5:30 pm Cheer: 6:30-8:00 am Softball: 3:30-5:30 pm Football: Mon/Tue 8-9:30 am, Wed-Fri 6:00-7:30 pm
over 1 year ago, John Cowling
Trenton R-IX Enrollment starts today at Noon! The parents of ALL RETURNING STUDENTS should receive an email and a text at 9:00am with an Access ID for each student that you will be registering. You will need these codes when creating an account with PowerSchool.
over 1 year ago, Daniel Gott
Trenton R-IX Enrollment starts today at Noon! The parents of ALL RETURNING STUDENTS should receive an email and a text at 9:00am with an Access ID for each student that you will be registering. You will need these codes when creating an account with PowerSchool.
over 1 year ago, Daniel Gott
Trenton R-IX Online Registration for new and returning students will begin tomorrow at noon. We will have links on our Website, Facebook Pages, and will send via email. Instructions on how to enroll will be posted as well. If you would like help with registration please stop by THS for the Bright Futures Back to School event from 12:00-6:00.
over 1 year ago, Daniel Gott
Save the date. Bright Futures School Supply Day.
over 1 year ago, Mike Hostetter
Online enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year will now be Thursday August 10th. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we finalize the transition to PowerSchool.
over 1 year ago, Daniel Gott
TMS Open House, 5th grade Wednesday, 8-16-23- 4:00-5:30. 6,7,8 grade Thursday, 8-17-23- 4:00-5:30. Come and meet the new and returning staff. Bring school supplies and get your locker info. See you then!!
over 1 year ago, Mike Hostetter
Online enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year will now be Thursday August 10th. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we finalize the transition to PowerSchool.
over 1 year ago, Daniel Gott
Save the Date, Bright Futures School Supply Day
over 1 year ago, Mike Hostetter
Trenton R-IX is currently transitioning from Tyler SIS to PowerSchool. We plan to begin online registration for the 23-24 school year on Monday, August 7th. There will be links sent out for the online registration and the PowerSchool App on the 7th. Thank you for your patience and we are very excited for the start of the new year. All offices will be open on August 7th for questions.
over 1 year ago, Daniel Gott
The MSHSAA dead period for all sports/activities begins Saturday, July 29. Practices for fall TMS sports begin August 14. Parents with questions about whether their student has a physical on file may email AD John Cowling at jcowling@trentonr9.k12.Mo.us starting August 1.
over 1 year ago, John Cowling
Coach Geib and the TMS football coaches will be having a a football camp on July 24-28 for students entering grades 7/8 who wish to play football this year. The camp will run from 8-9:30am. Players interested should meet at 7:50 at the entrance to the THS weight room.
over 1 year ago, John Cowling
The THS and TMS softball coaches will be hosting a camp for girls entering grades 7-12 next week. The high school camp will be July 24-26 from 8-10:30 AM. The middle school camp will also be July 24-26 from 9-11 AM. Both camps will be at the Ebbe Sports complex.
over 1 year ago, John Cowling
Members of the TMS football and basketball cheer squads volunteered at the food pantry this morning!
over 1 year ago, John Cowling