TMS Barn Warming tonight.
7&8 grade students having a GREAT time. Thank you Trenton FFA for hosting.
This week our Pledge Leader is 6th grader Lillian Swank.
Lillian is a great leader and sets a positve example for all of our TMS students.
Thank You Lillian for Inspiring Excellence here at TMS!!
There has been a change in TMS sports pictures today. The new schedule is included. The basketball boys pictures will be taken next Monday, 10-30-23.
Girls Basketball: [TMS Gym] 3:15-3:40
Cheerleading: [TMS Gym] 3:40-4:05
Wrestling: [TMS Gym] 4:05-4:20
The Trenton football 🏈 team will host Lathrop this TONIGHT in a Class 2 district quarterfinal. Kickoff is 7:00, gates will open at 5:30. All admission is $6, no passes allowed due to it being a MSHSAA game.
More Adventure Club pictures...
The TMS Adventure Club was at it again this week. They went on a hike, then madeTex Mex Lasagna. and apple dumplings.
Attention Trenton R-9 parents interested in the Trenton Kid's Wrestling Program.
Halloween Carnival tonight in the Trenton High School commons. Doors open at 5:30. Costume contest is at 7:00 in the gym for infants - 4th grade. Costumes are recommended. There will be food, crafts, games, and fun for all!
The Trenton R-9 Mascot team will host there annual Fall/Halloween Pancake Day this Saturday from 7:30am till 10:30am in the THS Commons. Come out and enjoy Pancakes, Sausage, Biscuits and Gravy, homemade cinnamon rolls, Juice, Coffee, Milk and Water. The Cost is Eat What You Want and Pay What you want. All Proceeds to the R-9 Mascot team. Kids that come in there Halloween Costume will get a special treat from Trent the Bulldog.
Mrs. Rongey's 5th grade science class testing their Hoop Gliders they made in class. TMS students learning and having fun at the same time!!!
We are hiring a Preschool Paraprofessional!
TMS Choir showing their stuff tonight. GREAT Job!!
TMS Chess Club with some practice tonight.
If you are attending the District Championship Softball game between Marceline and South Harrison, please do not park outside the outfield fence. All vehicles should be parked in the lots.
More Adventure Club Pictures
TMS Adventure Club met again this last week for more hiking and water fun.
GHRA Basketball!
This week our Pledge Leader and Bulletin Reader is 7th grader Neveya Raines.
Neveya has been a great leader and example setter at TMS. Thank You Neveya!!
The TMS Adventure Club met this week for some canoeing and kayaking.
What a GREAT outdoor experience for our students.
This week the MEGA Monday kids made Halloween door decorations for the nursing home patients.
Academically, they worked on writing Object Stories and shard them with the group