Trenton Middle School is now offering Parent-Child Book Club to 5th and 6th grade students and their parents. The book club is an opportunity for students and their parents to share thought-provoking books. The books serve as a springboard for discussion, encouraging conversation in the home and around the dinner table. A monthly meeting will be held at the TMS library to celebrate the book and the reading experience. The book club will read six different books and meet six times from October to April. Informational brochures and registration forms are available in the library. Forms and a $10 registration fee will be due on Friday, October 5th and space is limited. CFM Insurance is sponsoring the club. Questions should be directed to E’Lisha Gass, TMS Librarian at 660-359-4328 or by email at

TMS Parent-Child Book Club
September 13, 2018