HS Activities Today (8/28) Go Bulldogs!!
Home Football vs. Brookfield - 7:00
Reminder - 2020 Home Contest Rules 🔻🔻🔻
This is a reminder that your first day of classes at Grand River Technical School begin tomorrow, Tuesday 8/25. Please plan to be at the THS flagpole by the circle drive at 11:15am tomorrow to get on the bus for classes.
Reminder: The last day to sign your child up for a free sports physical is this Fri 7/17. If your child still needs a physical, call 358-5750 to schedule an appointment.
Trenton R-IX Parents and Guardians: Please take our 2020-21 school year survey, located on the R-IX website and App under the NEWS section. Responses due July 15th. Thank You!
‼️ FFA news concerning Fair Week and Cook Shack is available on the THS website NEWS section.
Seniors: Remember to come by and pick up your diploma in the HS office daily from 8am to 1pm or call 359-2291 to make an appointment.
It’s Graduation 🎓 Day!! Ceremonies begin at 2:00 at CF Russell Stadium!! Go Bulldogs!!
The 2020 THS Graduation Ceremony can be viewed via live stream by visiting https://www.uclicktv.com/post/class-of-2020-trenton. Thank you to UClickTV and our sponsor Trenton Hy-Vee for making this possible.
Seniors - Graduation practice will be 10am Thurs. 6/4 at C.F. Russell Stadium. Plan to bring your cap, gown, and cords for pictures. Check your email or the website for details.
Remember this is the last day for students to pick up items from their school lockers. Come to the Circle Drive from 3-6pm today to collect your things.
Remember to come by and pick up your/your child's locker belongings today from 3-6pm. THS in the Circle Drive. TMS at the North parking lot.
☀️☀️Trenton R-IX will continue serving 2 meals per day to Trenton community kids thru Thursday, June 18th!! Please continue to call 359-4643 from 8-9:30 (M-F) to order meals for children 18 and under. Pickup at the HS from 11:30-12:30. We are excited to serve you 23 more days!!!
Seniors: If you turned in Senior Salute pictures to Mr. Dalrymple they are available to pick up in the lunch line between 11:30-12:30.
THS Students: If you haven't turned in your iPad you need to do so today or tomorrow between 11:30-12:30 in the Circle Drive. Call 359-2291 if you have any questions.
Congratulations to Carson Burchett, Royce Jackson, and Kayden Spencer on their 9th place finish at State FBLA in Sports and Entertainment Management!
Seniors may come turn in their iPads and pick up their personal belongings today and tomorrow anytime between 3-6pm in the THS Circle Drive.
‼️ REMINDER: Trenton FFA officer and applications are due today.
Seniors: Remember Senior Celebration today 3-6pm. Drive through the THS Circle Drive for prizes!
Save the date! THS Graduation Ceremony will be 2pm Sat. June 6th at C.F. Russell stadium. Make-up date Sun. June 7th. More details soon.
Trenton FFA Scholarship, Award, and Loan information is available on the website > THS sites > NEWS section.