HS Activities Today (8/28) Go Bulldogs!! Home Football vs. Brookfield - 7:00 Reminder - 2020 Home Contest Rules 🔻🔻🔻
over 4 years ago, Kris Ockenfels
This is a reminder that your first day of classes at Grand River Technical School begin tomorrow, Tuesday 8/25. Please plan to be at the THS flagpole by the circle drive at 11:15am tomorrow to get on the bus for classes.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
Reminder: The last day to sign your child up for a free sports physical is this Fri 7/17. If your child still needs a physical, call 358-5750 to schedule an appointment.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
Trenton R-IX Parents and Guardians: Please take our 2020-21 school year survey, located on the R-IX website and App under the NEWS section. Responses due July 15th. Thank You!
over 4 years ago, Kris Ockenfels
‼️ FFA news concerning Fair Week and Cook Shack is available on the THS website NEWS section.
over 4 years ago, Kris Ockenfels
Seniors: Remember to come by and pick up your diploma in the HS office daily from 8am to 1pm or call 359-2291 to make an appointment.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
It’s Graduation 🎓 Day!! Ceremonies begin at 2:00 at CF Russell Stadium!! Go Bulldogs!!
over 4 years ago, Kris Ockenfels
The 2020 THS Graduation Ceremony can be viewed via live stream by visiting https://www.uclicktv.com/post/class-of-2020-trenton. Thank you to UClickTV and our sponsor Trenton Hy-Vee for making this possible.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
Seniors - Graduation practice will be 10am Thurs. 6/4 at C.F. Russell Stadium. Plan to bring your cap, gown, and cords for pictures. Check your email or the website for details.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
Remember this is the last day for students to pick up items from their school lockers. Come to the Circle Drive from 3-6pm today to collect your things.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
Remember to come by and pick up your/your child's locker belongings today from 3-6pm. THS in the Circle Drive. TMS at the North parking lot.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
☀️☀️Trenton R-IX will continue serving 2 meals per day to Trenton community kids thru Thursday, June 18th!! Please continue to call 359-4643 from 8-9:30 (M-F) to order meals for children 18 and under. Pickup at the HS from 11:30-12:30. We are excited to serve you 23 more days!!!
over 4 years ago, Kris Ockenfels
Seniors: If you turned in Senior Salute pictures to Mr. Dalrymple they are available to pick up in the lunch line between 11:30-12:30.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
THS Students: If you haven't turned in your iPad you need to do so today or tomorrow between 11:30-12:30 in the Circle Drive. Call 359-2291 if you have any questions.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
Congratulations to Carson Burchett, Royce Jackson, and Kayden Spencer on their 9th place finish at State FBLA in Sports and Entertainment Management!
over 4 years ago, Kris Ockenfels
Seniors may come turn in their iPads and pick up their personal belongings today and tomorrow anytime between 3-6pm in the THS Circle Drive.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
‼️ REMINDER: Trenton FFA officer and applications are due today.
over 4 years ago, Kris Ockenfels
Seniors: Remember Senior Celebration today 3-6pm. Drive through the THS Circle Drive for prizes!
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
Save the date! THS Graduation Ceremony will be 2pm Sat. June 6th at C.F. Russell stadium. Make-up date Sun. June 7th. More details soon.
over 4 years ago, Kasey Bailey
Trenton FFA Scholarship, Award, and Loan information is available on the website > THS sites > NEWS section.
over 4 years ago, Kris Ockenfels