Information regarding contact tracing and quarantines at Trenton High School:
A positive case will be isolated for 10 days from symptom onset. A close contact will be quarantined at home for 10 days from contact with the positive case.
Students who are 6 feet or closer to a positive case for a cumulative of 15 minutes or more during the 48 hours prior to positive case’s exhibition of symptoms will be identified as a close contact. EXCEPTION: Students who were within 3 to 6 feet of a positive student are excluded from quarantine if both parties were wearing masks correctly.
Students who are fully vaccinated and identified as close contacts will be allowed to attend school and participate in activities as long as they are symptom free.
While it doesn’t quarantine students or establish the criteria for identifying close contacts, the District does work cooperatively with DESE, DHSS, and the local health department as outlined in board policy EBB on Communicable Disease,
“. . . Reporting and disease outbreak control measures will be implemented in accordance with state and local law, DHSS rules governing the control of communicable diseases and other diseases dangerous to public health, and any applicable rules distributed by the appropriate county or city health department.”
At Trenton High School we are taking every step we can in order to keep students from becoming ill and/or quarantined. We are social distancing when we can in all classrooms and at lunch. We have seating charts in each classroom that will allow us to keep accurate records when contact tracing.
If you have any questions please contact us at 660-359-2291