The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has released the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test scores for English Language Arts and Mathematics. Science scores are expected to be released in October.
Rissler Elementary and Trenton Middle School parents may access their child's score reports on the parent portal under “documents.” You may also receive a hard copy of your child’s Individual Score Report by request. Your child’s Individual Student Report (ISR), includes an Achievement Level, which will describe his or her performance as Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, or Advanced. The report will also include a short description of the knowledge and skills that are typically demonstrated by students in each Achievement Level.
The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has released the 2019 End of Course Assessments for Algebra I, Algebra II, English II and Geometry. Parents may access their child scores on the parent portal under the “assessment” tab.
Please contact Tara Hoffman, Director of Special Services by calling (660)359-2003 if you have questions.